ZIS Research Group: Indian Ocean Confluences


Martin Büdel (Cultural Anthropology)

Veronika Cummings (Human Geography)

Franziska Fay (Political Anthropology)

Malve Jacobsen (Cultural Geography)

Elisabeth Sommerlad (Human Geography)

Markus Verne (Cultural Anthropology)

Julia Verne (Cultural Geography)


What we do:

The working group ‘Indian Ocean Confluences’ connects to international research and debates on the Indian Ocean as a relational space. It brings together questions of mobility, belonging and nation building, the interconnectedness of people and the ocean, transformative processes within the region, and the aesthetic design of social spaces. In this context, overarching questions for a research proposal of the working group are being developed through joint fieldwork and publications, as well as an intensive collaboration with invited fellows.

Overall, this working group forms provides space for a trans-disciplinary  engagement with the Indian Ocean region in the German-speaking context with a focus on the contemporary.


Urban Identities WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN - Film Screening Series

March-June 2023 I Film screening series


FILM SCREENING: Vuta N’Kuvute (Tug of War) (Amil Shivji, 2021) 

1. Dezember 2022 |  Film screening

Vuta N’Kuvute (Tug of War) is an adaption of Adam Shafi Adam’s classic „Vuta N’Kuvute“ (1999). Please find the trailer and a summary of the movie  here. You may also be interested in a recent review of the film for africasacountry.com. Vuta N’Kuvute (Tug of War) has recently been nominated as Tanzania’s official submission for the Academy Awards 2023 (Oscars) after 21 years without entries.


Island and Islandness: The Case of Mauritius

17. November 2022 | Lecture / Roundtable Discussion

with Roukaya Kasenally (Democracy Scholar, Associate Professor, University of Mauritius), Ramola Ramtohul (Sociology and Gender Studies, Associate Professor, University of Mauritius) and Kumari Issur (French Studies, Associate Professor, University of Mauritius).