Sommersemester 2015 (April/Mai)
Prof. Dr. Chris Lukinbeal (University of Arizona)
Host: Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Department of Geography)
Book Series Media Geography at Mainz (MGM)
“On Location” Filming in San Diego County from 1985–2005: How A Cinematic Landscape Is Formed Through Incorporative Tasks and Represented Through Mapped Inscriptions
April 30, 2015
The form of San Diego County’s cinematic landscape is shaped by processes of inscription, whereby particular representational techniques are brought to bear, but also by processes of incorporation, which can be understood as the off-camera decisions, tasks, and events that allow for filming to take place. One of the primary tasks involves selecting sites with a high level of production value while minimizing costs and fulfilling the needs of the script. The San Diego Film Commission (SDFC), which aids filmmakers in the tasks required to produce films, is a key entity in shaping this region’s CINEMATIC landscape. Where geography often focuses on how a film inscribes meaning and identity into its form, I show how the form of a region’s cinematic landscape extends beyond a single filmic event to engage a multiplicity of representations, tasks, and practices. I use a mixed method approach, including spatial analysis to examine and map the inscripted form of San Diego’s cinematic landscape. In-depth interviews and fieldwork were used to evaluate how a location’s production value plays a key role in the formative process of incorporative tasks of an ever-changing landscape. Key Words: cinema, landscape, on-location filming, San Diego, taskscape.
Associate Director, School of Geography and Development
Director, Geographic Information Systems Technology Programs
Director, Geospatial Innovation Science Technology Center
President, Association of Pacific Coast Geographers
Chris Lukinbeal holds a B.S., M.A., and Ph.D. in Geography. He has published over 50 academic papers and book chapters related to topics ranging from representation, media, GIS, remote sensing, cartography, urban geography, mental maps and GIS, landscape studies, and education. As a human geographer, he specializes in cinema and media studies, urban landscape studies, and critical GIS. As a GIScientist, he investigates the intersection of GIS with critical theory and humanities-based research, as well as the role of professional education in GIS pedagogy.
For over 25 years, Dr. Lukinbeal has worked internationally to develop the subfields of cinema and media geography. This research emphasizes how cinema and media geographies interrelate the practical and theoretical spheres of political economy and cultural studies. To expose these relations, Dr. Lukinbeal has specialized in ‘on location’ filming, which exposes the ongoing iterative nature of mediated spatial productive practices, economies, representations, and policies.
Dr. Lukinbeal is one of the three founding editors of Aether: the Journal of Media Geography ( and one of three founding book series editors for Media Geography at Mainz (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, Publishing). He is one of the four Associate Editors for GeoHumanities, an academic journal launched in 2015 by the Association of American Geography in cooperation with Routledge publishers.
During his stay as Guest Professor of the Center for Intercultural Studies (ZIS) he hold a course at the Geography department and gave a public lecture. Furthermore he was involved in the plans for research and the consultations regarding the collective editing of the conjoint Book Series as well as the input in the curricula of the master`s degree courses “Globalisierung, Medien und Kultur” at the Geography Department / Mainz University.
Selected Publications:
Mains, Susan, Chris Lukinbeal, and Julie Cupples. (eds). Mediated Geographies/Geographies of Media, Science and Business Media series, International Handbooks of Human Geography. Forthcoming.
Fletchall, Ann, Chris Lukinbeal, and Kevin McHugh. 2012. Place, Television, and the Real Orange County. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Lukinbeal, Chris and Stefan Zimmermann (eds). 2008. The Geography of Cinema – a Cinematic World. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. (republished as an ebook in 2013).
Refereed Articles
Lukinbeal, Chris and Janice Monk. 2015. Masters of Science in Geographic Information Systems Degree Programs in the United States. Professional Geographer 67(3): 482-489.
Lukinbeal, Chris. 2014. Geographic Media Literacy. Journal of Geography 113(2): 41-46.
Lukinbeal, Chris. 2012. “On Location Filming in San Diego County from 1985-2005: How a Cinematic Landscape is Formed Through Incorporative Tasks and Represented through Mapped Inscriptions. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102(1): 171-190.
Lukinbeal, Chris, Patricia Price, Cayla Buell. 2012. Rethinking ‘Diversity’ Through Analyzing Residential Segregation among Hispanics in Phoenix, Miami and Chicago. Professional Geographer 64(1): 109-124.
Price, Patricia, Chris Lukinbeal, Richard Gioioso, Daniel D. Arreola, Damián Fernández, Timothy Ready, Maria de los Angeles Torres. 2011. Placing Latino Civic Engagement. Urban Geography 32: 179-207.
Allen, Casey and Chris Lukinbeal. 2011. Practicing Physical Geography: an Actor-Network View of Physical Geography Exemplified by the Study of Rock Art. Progress in Physical Geography 35: 227-248.
Lukinbeal, Chris, Daniel D. Arreola, and D. Drew Lucio. 2010. Mexican Urban Colonias in the Salt River Valley. Geographical Review 100(1): 12-34.
Lopez, Natalie and Chris Lukinbeal. 2010. Comparing Police and Residential Perception of Crime using Mental Maps and Qualitative GIS. Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 72.
Myint, Soe, Jyoti Jain, Chris Lukinbeal, Francisco Lara-Valencia. 2010. Simulating urban growth on the U.S.-Mexico border: Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 36(3): 166–184.
Lukinbeal, Chris and Stefan Zimmermann. 2006. Film Geography: A new subfield. Erdkunde, 60(4): 315-326.
Lukinbeal, Chris. 2006. Runaway Hollywood: Cold Mountain Romania. Erdkunde, 60(4): 337-345.
Lukinbeal, Chris. 2005. Cinematic Landscapes. Journal of Cultural Geography 23(1): 3-22.
Lukinbeal, Chris. 2004. The Rise of Regional Film Production Centers in North America, 1984-1997. GeoJournal 59 (4): 307-321.
Kennedy, Christina, and Chris Lukinbeal. 1997. Towards a Holistic Approach to Geographic Research on Film. Progress in Human Geography 21: 33-50.
Nelson, Elizabeth, David Dow, Chris Lukinbeal, and Ray Farley. 1997. Visual Search Process and the Multivariate Point Symbol. Cartographica 34: 19-33.